The story of Bronzivalle has origin in 1746 when the family Franceschi, nobles from Corsica, began to use this territory as settlement for the farmers working at Tenuta di Vignale, other territory of their property.
At the time, the local woods was exploited for the supply of firewood.
When, in the middle of the nineteenth century, the property of Bronzivalle and Tenuta di Vignale passed to the counts Rosselmini Gualandi, this ancient farmers settlement was transformed into hunting house. The counts were enthusiast hunters and loved to host their friends at the house of Bronzivalle.
Recently, the descendants of Rosselmini Gualandi have completely restored Bronzivalle transforming it in a wonderfull farmhouse and agricultural company.
However in its spaces you can feel an ancient atmosphere, rich in history and experience.
Story Farmhouse in BarattiStory

Since 1746, the family Giuli Rosselmini Gualandi owns circa 720 hectares of land. The property is divided into four localities in Val di Cornia.